
Debate Info

Go And Fight Stay In Our Country
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Go And Fight (2)
 Stay In Our Country (1)

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Dinosaur305(8) pic

Canada Going To Fight Wars In Other Countries?

Do you think Canada should go to fight wars in other countries?

Go And Fight

Side Score: 2

Stay In Our Country

Side Score: 1

Well they are part of NATO and they have fought in the past so it's likely to happen again.

Side: Go And Fight
1 point

Well, I would doubt Canada would ever go and fight other countries. All though it would be unnecessary, in my point of view, Canada could make an excellent conquest army. They could conquest parts of Mexico first, and then the South America. They could make allies and control parts of Europe, Australia, parts of Africa, parts of Asia, parts of North America, parts of South America. They also have a good financial economy so if they wanted to attack America, it would be a tough war.

Side: Go And Fight
1 point

No, people don't need to fight and die for a country that wouldn't fight with us!

Side: Stay In Our Country