
Debate Info

well yeah shut up and let us talk
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 well yeah (1)
 shut up and let us talk (3)

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alexis(18) pic

Censorship of student publications and free speech?

censorship of student publications and free speech... should it be justified?

well yeah

Side Score: 1

shut up and let us talk

Side Score: 4

There has to be adult supervision on student publications because they are minors and can easily get into trouble for printing libel.

Side: well yeah
2 points

i am against the cencorship of student publications and free speech because they the children need to learn to speak for themselves as the future of the country. and by revoking their rights to speak freely then it would destroy their sef esteem and possibly make them against the world and cause trouble.

Side: shut up and let us talk
1 point

In year 11, one of my english courseworks written in y10 was censored, because it 'incited religious hatred'. The subject was 'Don't get me started', basically a rant. Personally, little things don't annoy me enough to write four pages- so any of my major rants are really going to annoy someone. My topic was ancient christianity.

Side: shut up and let us talk

I wouldn't go for actual censorship but some sort of delay between finishing the paper and actual publishing, so the author will have time to cool down and review it on his own...

Side: shut up and let us talk