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 Cheating Spouse? (10)

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Cheating Spouse?

If you had a spouse that cheated on you what woud you want him to do, to make you feel better about staying with him? 


and if you don't want to be with him anymore, what would be the best getting even plan? 

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In order to answer this question, one would have to clearly state why cheating is wrong. Is it because it shows lack of respect? Is it because you fear losing your spouse to someone else? Is it because you feel you own that specific part of their body? Is it all of these? Is it something else entirely? Once you identify why it is wrong, you will have your answer as to what to do.

1 point

it is disrespectful !

OK. Now, did you and your spouse marry for respect (some people marry for security)? How important to you (and to your spouse) is respect in a marriage? Does your spouse consider cheating to be disrespectful (some people have an open marriage)?

Everything hinges on definition and perception. The term, "bad" is a man made construct. It doesn't exist outside the context of humans. The universe does not abide by our concept of bad. You have to define what is bad. In a marriage, you and your spouse are forced to negotiate a definition for bad. Once the definition is hammered out, you'll have to deal with perception.

Two people witnessing the same event can perceive it radically different from each other. are_just_following_their_own_religion

2 points

Fight fire with fire - a self explanatory expression .

1 point

Sometimes that's the only way to get the message across .

1 point

what would be the best getting even plan?

Remind me to not make you angry.

1 point


1 point

If you had a spouse that cheated on you what woud you want him to do, to make you feel better about staying with him?

If Romantic Comedies are to be believed, you would make a list of things for him to accomplish, during which he might learn a little something about himself. Also be sure to include a montage.