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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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Rockyyyy(13) pic

Child Molesters Should Be Given The Death Penalty, IMMEDIATELY


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6

Yesterday I saw an illegal alien boy get into a pedophile's van... talk about Alien VS Predator ;)

Side: Yes

of course he must be given the death penalty instantly. HE SHOULD DIE. nobody should molest boys. molest girl never mind

Side: Yes
1 point

If they are found guilty without a shadow of a doubt then yes..

Its said that it costs an average of $129.04 a day to house an inmate in the prison system.

So if you say no then please start paying $129.04 a day to keep your pedo buddy alive, on the other hand ill gladly pay the one time, $0.25 (bullet) + $1 (gun maintenance) + $20 (shooter) fee.

Side: Yes
2 points

It's bad enough that many states will call an 18 year old with a 15 year old a child molester.

So no, don't execute child molesters. Execution is the idea that we can just kill off our problems, whether we've proven them guilty BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT or not.

Side: No

No, alot of people accused of being molesters and rapeists didn't do anything, not all of them, but generally the court will call it a case if someone says "they touched me!"

Side: No
1 point

I think they should be studied. I mean, has anyone actually investigated the reason why these people are sexually attracted to children?

Side: No
1 point

If a women was to get raped, she doesn't get at least half the remorse a child would in the media. It's unfair to put more attention to a crime just because there are children as victims, there are worse things you could do to a child then molest them and not fair to single molestation out. Serial killers have gotten caught and still were allowed to walk the streets. So lets just give the guys some credit if they let the child live aterwards.

Side: No
giftbaby(1) Clarified
0 points

Hello my dear,

My name is Miss Gift Bernard,a tall good looking young girl,so lovely and caring with good understanding.fair in complexion,care with good sharing,honesty.I saw your profile at which interested me much and i decided to contact you.I really want to have a good friendship with you even if you have married we can be friends ,i have a reason of selecting you as my friend,Please if you wish to know more.Please contact me through this my e-mail address OK ([email protected]) ,We need to talk and know our self more and equally share pictures to each other.hope to hear from you.

Please reply me with my e-mail address here ([email protected])

Yours New Friend

Miss Gift Bernard


Side: Yes
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

Now these are coming into the posts as well .

Side: Yes

I don't believe in the death penalty for anyone. Child molesters should be punished with an appropriate jail sentence.

Side: No