
Debate Info

Chuck Lee
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:18
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 Chuck (4)
 Lee (6)

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bemagic15(530) pic

Chuck Norris Vs Bruce Lee

I say lee but what is your opinion.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 10

I mean I do not believe that Chuck NOrris cures cancer with his tears. He did not even cry in his life, not even a baby???

Side: Chuck

Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice.

Side: Chuck

I think Chuck Norris would win. He is a maverick plus a lone wolf.

Side: Chuck
1 point

Bruce Lee is the closest thing to our ideal of ninjas humanly possible. He was an amazing freak of nature.

Side: Lee

I have to agree with iamdavidh. This doesn't happen often so enjoy it ;)

Side: Lee
Sickology(392) Clarified
1 point

You changed your pic when I was away .

Side: Chuck
Sickology(392) Clarified
1 point

you two have so many points yet I have so little .

Side: Chuck
1 point

Bruce kicked Chuck in the face 4 times in a row and his kicks were so strong that Chuck got a leg fracture

Side: Lee
1 point

I believe Bruce Lee with would purely because of his speed, also Wing Chun is a faster Martial Art than Karate and is very hard to counter with Karate moves

Side: Lee
1 point

Man Im surprised no chuck Norris jokes but ya Bruce lee would definitely beat chuck

Side: Lee