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 Community Poll: What was/is your college major? (8)

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Community Poll: What was/is your college major?

I am curious as to the educational background of createdebate. 

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Watching Fanboy Reviews :D

1 point

Undergraduate Major - Business Administration - Minor - Information Systems

1 point

Vocational certificate and Online degree in commercial art and graphic design.

ventured into classical philosophy and child psychology as well but stopped, ironically due to having kids lol.

Currently employed by the government in the financial/logistics field and on the side do small contracts and freelance work as commercial artist with a group of friends.

1 point

Does that give you the capabilities to design billboards, posters, internet web sites, commercial layouts, etc?

Coldfire(1014) Clarified
1 point

It is within my ability to design such things, though I am usually reduced to business cards, company logos, pamphlets for upcoming events, touch up work on old photos, etc... small local stuff really.

Commercial art is pretty much what the name implies, a broad field that uses art to advertise or sell things. A Snickers wrapper, a movie poster, a neon sign at a bar, a caveman selling car insurance... they’re all forms of commercial art.

I am triple majoring in Compter Science, Computer Engineering, and Economics. I will be graduating this fall with the economics degree and again this coming spring with the CS/CE degree.

Coldfire(1014) Clarified
1 point

Impressive. I hope the world benefits from it as much as you do.