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 Consciousness (14)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic


What if the brain doesnt process consciousness, what if all processes of life, including the rotation of atoms, and even our cognitive functions,  are all caused by consciousness? What if it is not the brain that creates, but consciousness that creates our ability to know what we are doing, including the cells in our body? what if they all have a different form of consciousness, not as advanced as ours, but just basic consciousness? and there is higher consciousness? 

Is this a plausible theory?


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Sure, just give it a name and then put "The Theory of " in front of it. You'll do fine ;)

I feel like im going to be writing a lot of books in my life

2 points

Huh? What? Who am I... where am I?

This is not unusual for me.

1 point

"I am conscious. I am made of cells. Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms, and atoms are made of elementary particles. If elementary particles are not conscious, how is it possible that many of them, assembled in molecules and cells and organs, eventually yield a conscious being like me?

I am a way for the universe to know itself."

so then you DO agree the universe is a conscious being? right?

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Nope. Look at facts, not uncertainties.

The universe might be conscious, but you cannot know for sure. Yet.

However, I am conscious.

It's an idea, but it's not a theory, or even a hypothesis. How do you plan on testing this to prove that it's true? Have you made any observations beforehand to lead you to this conclusion?

If neither of those criteria are met, it cannot even be called a hypothesis.

1 point

What if there is an infinite number of systems and everything is rotating around something, electrons around nuclei, planets around stars, stars around galaxies centered around black holes, galaxies moving around dark matter cosmic structures making up universes rotating around some crazy super-universal body, rotating around something else, which are the "electrons" whizzing around the nuclei of matter that makes up sentient beings in a gigantoverse and so on?