
Debate Info

True False
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 True (3)
 False (1)

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mithoo19(806) pic

Createdebate is Much Better Than Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr

is createdebate is much better than other social networking sites??? :) 


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 2
4 points

createdebate is much better than other networking sites as people from all over the place chat or debate freely here...

Side: True
2 points

I agree completely! But I have no reason to disagree!

Side: True

Facebook: Many people log on there from my surroundings with witch I don't want to interact. So that's out.

Twitter: Never bothered to get one.

Tumblr: Still better than those two above, but I got tired of them past 2 months.

So go CreateDebate. There is no other place better to post random stuff and communicate with enemies witch you eventually like more than your allies.

Side: True
2 points

False. It is slightly better. I mean it's a shitload better than Twitter and Tumblr!!

However Facebook, as a site, is pretty good ( see I don' get loads of app requests and stupid adverts on there, plus I can talk to my friends).

But collectively, yes CD is better.

Side: False