
Debate Info

They are in a better world They are gone forever
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 They are in a better world (4)
 They are gone forever (2)

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babyg41166(105) pic


when people die how does it make people feel are you happy that they are in a better place or are sad and angry that you want them to be here


They are in a better world

Side Score: 8

They are gone forever

Side Score: 4

This question almost completely deals with religion. Some cultures, such as the Christian society, believe that they are in a better place where there is no sorrow or hate, everyone is happy, and you are cared for by you Heavenly Father. However, some, such as the Buddhists, believe that they have reached the "peak of your life" (a.k.a. Nirvana) and that you are permantly there and will never return. Some, such as Atheists, believe that their body will be returned to the earth from wence it came and they shall be reborn as a tree or some other organism (a.k.a. reincarnation). So it's hard to tell exactly what will happen or what the truth is, since so many cultures believe so many different things. I, however, believe that I shall meet my loved ones in Heaven, but it is not my place to tell you what you should believe.

Side: They are in a better world
2 points

I beleive they are in a better world...maybe to come back as something very different, but none the less something different and new.

Side: They are in a better world
2 points

Well it's a part of life to die and in my experience the person is not suffering anymore and in a better place

Side: They are in a better world
3 points

are you happy that they are in a better place

Well this rises the question if there actually is a place after death, but let's put that aside for now.

I recently lost my great grandmother who had reached the age of 90. She was heavily demented, always talking to me as if I were my father and as such I didn't really have a bond with her. I'm completely depleted of emotions of her passing.

Neither of my grandparents are touched significantly of age, so of course if one my grandparents who I dearly love, were to pass away, I'd be heartbroken, and wishing they could've stayed here with me.

Side: They are gone forever
babyg41166(105) Disputed
0 points

same here but i think that if they go they are no longer in the pain and suffering of this world and can finally rest peacefully with out the doubt of being robbed or anything. They wouldn't have a care any more.

Side: They are in a better world

I just feel so sad inside that I can't see them or talk with them anymore. I am also sad for the family's loss.

Side: They are gone forever