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 Dems don't want children exposed to the word "God" in schools, but Transgender disorders? (5)

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Dems don't want children exposed to the word "God" in schools, but Transgender disorders?

Have you noticed the priorities of the Left in the Democrat Party?

They spend every day thinking of new ways to censor the word "God" from our nation's symbols and Christian heritage. They recently censored the word "God" from the oath taken at Congressional hearings. They want to censor God from our Pledge of Allegiance, our money, our public schools, you name it.

I'm not talking about forcing Christian beliefs on anyone! We are talking about our historical Christian heritage and the many symbols and expressions from that heritage.

These angry intolerant anti Christian Progressive's are ALL INCLUSIVE when it comes to controversial LGBT agendas. Pushing LGBT agendas into our public schools, not worrying in the least how many parents and children are offended!
These captive children should not be used as pawns in the Left's fixation with identity politics. It's truly sickening what Democrats are pushing into our public schools, all because of their radical political LGBT base.

Big money and votes at the expense of our children!

HYPOCRITES! Your double standards and misplaced priorities are truly pathetic.

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2 points

IMAGINE? Transgender people are talking to our Kindergartner's in public schools, and the Left cares nothing for parents who are outraged at this outright indoctrination.

BUT, these same Leftists have coronaries if the mere word "God" is mentioned anywhere on school grounds.

Folks, we are in a nation where half the Government is at war with our nation's Christian heritage. WAKE UP!

Do you want a secularocracy forced on our nation by intolerant Liberals? This is exactly what is happening. Secularism forced on your children!

2 points

What I find disturbing is that the same people who refuse to acknowledge the fact that gender dysphoria is a mental illness are the people who will call you a nut job for being a Christian. Christianity provides you with a sound moral and philosophical foundation, the same foundation which western civilization was built upon to begin with, last I checked all transgenderism gets you is clinical depression and creepy crossdressing dudes lurking in women's bathrooms.

2 points

Well said...

Like I said, this LGBT hysteria is all about politics, money and votes. Democrats know that it is a disorder just as they know Homosexuality is an unnatural attraction, but they refuse to speak the truth because it would mean losing money and votes from their LGBT base.

These Democrats are sacrificing our children's education, going against the Science of Biology, to further their elections.

1 point

I believe that the Democrats consist of various levels or ranks.

There are useful idiots at the bottom who believe in and go along with liberal propaganda, then there are the corrupted and willing servants of evil who become slaves of left wing institutions and are used to peddle propaganda or push agendas through whether it be in congress, on some school board or what have you, and after that there are the Marxist puppeteers and finally the all out Devil worshipers hidden underneath it all who are literal servants of Satan and want to destroy civilization as we know it so that the anti-Christ can rule the earth.