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 Did Dr Martin Luther Kings Dream come true? (3)

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Mrlostguy1(21) pic

Did Dr Martin Luther Kings Dream come true?

Dr Martin Luther King accomplished a lot no doubt. But is every part of his dream being lived today, or is there still a race discrimination, in the united states? The african Americans, have more rights than the 1960 no doubt, but are they still being treatet as fearly as the rest of the Country?

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4 points

In the US since Dr. King said this:

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

The "Whites Only" signs have disappeared never to returned. The KKK is a publicly reviled hate group. It has become illegal by federal law to discriminate against any minorities. The races freely associate together in the workplace and the community. Is it perfect - NO. Is it now true that people are judged by their character or lack of character YES.

His dream most certainly did not come true, but that is because his dream did not stop at race relations. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was very outspoken proponent of workers rights, as well as a far more "socialized" economic model, which led to increased character attacks against him by right-wind ideologues before his unfortunate death.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Ah yes, somebody down-voted me because I posted some historical facts:P

How quaint.

1 point

As for me i think it did in some areas of the world,places like the us but for the UK his dream certainly failed.........