
Debate Info

Dude... What? No, let him be!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Dude... What? (1)
 No, let him be! (2)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Dig Up Shakespeare to Determine if He Was a Stoner?

To dig, or not to dig? That's the latest question.

Paleontologists are looking to examine the remains of William Shakespeare hoping to unlock the mysteries of the life and death of the world's most famous playwright -- and to prove that the poet once puffed.


Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

Dude... What?

Side Score: 1

No, let him be!

Side Score: 2
1 point

I'm waiting for Jon Stewart to point to this article as clear Conservative bias towards marijuana (even though Fox News seems to have a lot of positive views on weed).

But that would be cool. As well, it wouldn't be surprising that Shakespeare smoked pot. His writing was very abstract at times, and he never really seemed like the sanest of people at times. Writers, in general, are not very normal (brain wise). For that, they will tend to want to smoke weed. Hell, I like to write and I like to smoke weed (not as much as I did Freshman year of college, but I still smoke plenty). Weed doesn't give me that stupid, chill high that so many stoners talk about. It instead makes me think with a lot of paranoia, as well as making me rationalize Socialism and Conservatism. I use that as a good example as to how so many of these non-libertarian views are based on paranoia. But that also comes from my love for psychology. When I'm high and not being paranoid, I have minor flashbacks to trips I had, and this helps with seeing the world in a completely different view. Not good, not bad, just different.

My point? Writers like weed. I don't think it makes me more creative, but it changes up my perspective, and writers like to escape their usual mindset at times. It doesn't help me write, but it's a different type of recreation. Helps me understand different mindsets (good for creating characters that aren't supposed to think like you).

Side: Dude... What?
1 point

Digging him up for this reason is just stupid IMO. I've come up with really great ideas when I was stoned... even went so far as to write them down only to discover that the ideas were actually pretty stupid after I sobered up.

Side: No, let him be!
1 point

Cant we just stick to discovering if William Shakespeare was gay? Or is that even important? I really like his work. N personally I wouldn't give a shit if he fagged or if he was a Bi.

Side: No, let him be!