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Debate Score:107
Total Votes:111
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zephyr20x6(2386) pic

Do Homosexuals have sexual intercourse?

This was made for another debate to prove a point, to gain statistical information. Tell me what you think, do you think homosexuals have intercourse?


Side Score: 43


Side Score: 64
3 points

Of course you would have to put common sense into this. Sexual intercourse isn't only penetration, it can be anything from oral to anal, therefore, the question you are asking depends on the person and if they decide to , but by all means, it is possible

Side: yes
2 points

Jesus, I'm tired of people always bitching on with " Oh this source from Wikipedia says..." and " Well, the Bible says..." and " Well, '' says....." That really defeats the point of a good debate. A good debate isn't meant to be what other people have written and using that as an offence. A good debate consists of people with original ideas, their own opinions e.t.c. It is my opinion that if two lesbians feel sexually aroused by eachother, and do some hanky panky, that is sexual intercourse. If a man and a woman have anal intercourse, is it not still sex? So why should it batter if its a woman or a mans ass?! Yes, homosexuals do have sexual intercourse.

Side: yes
JadynDonovan(244) Clarified
2 points

I am not disagreeing with everything you are saying, but a true debate is meant to be supported with facts, in most cases people use definitions, or things that various sources say. But I do agree with you pretty much on everything else you said.

Side: yes
1 point

If you mean 'get it on', then I'd have to say yeah. Why would you even ask this it's pretty damn obvious we do.

Side: yes

Do lesbians have intercourse ;)

Side: yes
lupusFati(790) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, probably.

Thanks for that mental image, by the way.

Side: yes

I know it is a no-brainer but it was to settle an argument on another debate, I agree it is obvious.

Side: yes

The other definition I gave is kind of a direct counter to this definition.

physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person

So I guess if the dictionaries won't get their answers straight then gay people can do technically whatever they want. By this defintion also, sodomy is arguably sexual intercourse, not of the vagina and penis.

Side: yes
2 points

That is the dictionary I used XD

Side: yes
1 point

I wouldn't call it exactly pleasurable but yes. They still stimulate one another's sexual organs, which I believe how sex is defined

Side: yes

Sex is defined as you have stated. But intercourse is not defined that way. Please look at the dictionary. ;)

Side: yes
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
6 points

Merriam Webster's definition supports this though, so which dictionary do we go with ?

Side: No
lupusFati(790) Disputed
2 points

The dictionary should not substitute as a 'be all, end all' argument.

There are times when one needs to apply critical thinking to today's standards and views.

Side: yes
1 point

Sexual intercourse is vaginal, oral and anal. Therefore, yes, homosexuals have sexual intercourse.

Side: yes

They have anal sex (sodomy). Please reference your dictionary. ;)

Side: No
3 points

What he said.

homosexuals sodomize each other, or, engage in tribedism, in the event they are female homosexuals. Sexual Intercourse is defined explicitly as the penetration of the vagina by the penis. Such cannot be performed physically between homosexuals, though homosexuals could, if they so desired, engage in sexual intercourse with members of the opposite sex in addition to, or instead of, engaging in homosexual relations.

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point


: physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person <oral "

Side: yes
5 points

Well technically not. If the sex is not of a vagina and with a penis, it is as Joe said, Sodomy.

This is the only specific link I can find defining seuxal intercousre to perfectly exclude homosexual activities. I believe the term needs to be redefined though. It was written at a time where homosexuality was not as common.

Side: No

Homosexuality has always been common ;)

Side: No
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

Publically common, and accepted I guess.

Side: yes
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

Common? Yes.

Accepted? No.

Even now people are having issues with it. Get over your narrow-minded views, society.

Side: yes
unownmew(160) Disputed
2 points

By definition, if something is one thing, it can not be another. If the definition explicitly states it is one one thing, it is implicitly stating that it is not anything else but that.

Any dictionary is enough to define sexual intercourse as exclusively heterosexual relations.

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point

There are two dictionaries, one defining sexual intercourse regardless of gender, the other supporting your definition? Which one do we go with? or we should just accept both definitions as valid, since words can have multiple definitions.

Side: yes