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 Do Palestinians have a moral obligation to destroy Hamas before all their children die? (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do Palestinians have a moral obligation to destroy Hamas before all their children die?

Read about the Hamas charter by clicking the links bellow.

Hamas will not stop until the state of Israel is destroyed (this is their stated goal).  Hamas wants (and counts on) Israel to retaliate because Hamas wants to use dead Palestinian children to advance their cause.  To Hamas, Palestinian children are acceptable collateral damage.  Palestinian children are to be martyred and sacrificed in Hama's fight against Israel.  Hamas uses Palestinian children as pawns in their fight agaisnt Israel.

Would you allow your children to be used this way by some terrorist group?

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Palestinians have a moral obligation to destroy Hamas, sign a peace treaty with Israel, recognize the state of Israel and create a Palestinian state.

After decades of fighting, Palestinians should recognize the fact that Hama's tactics have not gotten them any closer to the destruction of the state of Israel and that the people paying the price are the Palestinian children. Is any piece of land worth that price? Are their morals upside down?

The first moral obligation the Palestinian people have is to their children for they are the future.

An alternate strategy for the Palestinians is make peace with Israel at all cost and then out breed them.

Powerful nations are destroyed from within, not by outsiders.

Side: yes

If God's will is for the state of Israel not to exist, then why doesn't he destroy it himself? Why did he allow it to be created in the first place? Why send a man to do God's work?

Side: yes
1 point

wow, good job joe.

now apply that logic to things like gays and abortion, and you'll be a liberal.

Side: yes

I think that it is immoral for Hamas to put Palestinian children in harms way in order to obtain world sympathy.

Side: yes
1 point

Lol. I saw 4 points for "yes" but then I noticed that Joe put 4 arguments! :P

Side: yes

I stuffed the ballot box (;

Side: yes
1 point


I don't think there's much of a debate here...

Side: yes
1 point

Hamas is currently in control of Gaza which is under attack from Israel. The majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas in elections which were free and fair.

The West Bank is under the control of Fatah. Fatah is represented by Abbas who is also the Palestinian president. In the West Bank, Israel is constructing a separation wall which is absorbing land illegally and cuts Palestinians from each other and their land. There are also check points and continuous building of settlements. Fatah has been involved in a negotiation process and this has not resulted in the removal of any of these measures by Israel.

Hamas controlled Gaza has been blockaded and all the crossing points, sea and air space is controlled by Israel leading to limited supplied of food, medicine and fuel.

For those Palestinians who did not vote for Hamas and are being attacked then Israel has failed its moral obligation to their children. Those Palestinians who votes for Hamas and not want to destroy them are unable to meet any moral obligation because they are under attack. Those Palestinians who voted for Hamas and do not want them destroyed have neither failed their moral obligation or met them because they have a right to resist occupation.

Israel has a moral obligation as an occupying force to the Palestinians. This obligation has not been met because Palestinians are denied basic amenities and in some cases targeted by the Israeli military. There is also no evidence that Hamas is using children as human shields (these are assertions by Israel without any independently verifiable facts). What can be verified by everyone around the world is that unlike any other conflict before, in Gaza, civilians are unable to escape the conflict. Israel has sealed its borders (Egypt claims it cannot open it due to prior agreements with Israel and safety concerns). Israel is forcing them to participate in the conflict. Even if they were to cooperate with Israel and assist in destroying Hamas members they will not be safe because Gaza is so densely populated. In fact, Palestinians in Gaza might even be going against their moral obligation because to give the coordinates of Hamas members nearby could result in them being collateral damage due to their proximity.

In conclusion, the only moral obligation they have is to protect their children in whatever way they can and for many of them this means finding safe places to shelter even though the UN says nowhere is safe for them in Gaza.

Side: yes

You bring up a lot of good points and I have a some comments and questions.

1. Fatah isn't being bombed. So does Israel hate all Palestinians or only those whose aim is to destroy Israel?

2. I remember Israel forcefully moving settlements to try and get the Palestinians to sign a treaty. The radicals attacked Israel and no treaty was signed. Besides, Hamas has stated that they don't want a treaty. They want the full destruction of Israel. And to the extent that Hamas continues to take that stand, they will suffer the consequences of their choices.

3. The Germans tried to kill Hitler. Why can't Palestinians in Gaza attempt the same? Could it be because they voted for Hamas because they believe in Hamas' stated charter? If they believe in Hamas' stated charter, doesn't that make them the enemy?

4. Why isn't the U.N. doing something about this? Why isn't the world? Why don't their Arab brothers take Palestinians into their country? If no one seems to care about your plight, why not just give up the fight? Is it worth your child's life?

Side: yes

Is it easier for the Palestinians to destroy Hamas or Israel? I think it's easier to destroy Hamas in order to save/protect their children.

Side: yes