
Debate Info

Yes, only idiots use Velcro. No, they are just easier.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, only idiots use Velcro. (7)
 No, they are just easier. (3)

Debate Creator

Grykus(5) pic

Do Velcro Shoes Suck?

Face it, nearly everyone makes fun of Velcro. And amidst heated debate of whether or not Velcro Shoes was a terrible idea. So I took the argument to the Internet.

Yes, only idiots use Velcro.

Side Score: 7

No, they are just easier.

Side Score: 3
1 point

Well Velcro isn't necessarily for idiots, it is mainly for elderly adults and small children. But as a whole Velcro shoes definitely suck, I hate the way they look. However I don't think I would go so far as to say that only idiots wear them.

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.

Velcro is for children and elderly, so they can learn and easy access to walk.

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.

Shoes?? Who wears shoes anymore? You people can afford shoes with the Depression going on?

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.
1 point

Ew are you kidding me, if you wear velcro shoes, and your over the age of 6. Then dont show your face.

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.
1 point

I put velcro shoes on my daughter when she was first learning to walk but thats it.

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.
1 point

i think velcro shoes suck because stuff can get stuck on the velcro such as when the grass has been cut and you walk across the grass then all the grass gets suck in the velcro.

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.
1 point

Velcro shoes ruin in a very short period of time and only babies use velcro

Side: Yes, only idiots use Velcro.
1 point

I myself haven't personally had Velcro shoes since I was a child in the first few years of primary school, however I believe that for some people it is easier and more practical for them to have Velcro shoes. Children, the elderly and people who suffer with arthritis find it simpler to use than laces. Also for people who require insoles and have to have a deep soled shoe, Velcro shoes are the best solution.

Side: No, they are just easier.
1 point

they're okay. i mean they're really helpful to dyslexic people who find it difficult to tie laces. besides all floaters have Velcros. i don't see anybody complaining then. although Velcro shoes do look bad they are pretty helpful.

Side: No, they are just easier.

I don't have a hang-up with Velcro shoes. They do the job for me.

Side: No, they are just easier.