
Debate Info

Victims Accused
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Accused (2)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Do Victims have more rights or The Accused in Criminal Proceedings?

Recently there have been many people protesting that accused are given more rights during a trial than the victim even if they are guilty. Do you support this view? Do you think the victim or the accused has more rights during a criminal proceedings?


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The accused have a lot of rights. Right to an attorney, no double jeopardy, right to hear your rights, (Come on. If you don't know your own constitutional rights that's your fault.) cross examine evidence, examine and question witnesses testifying against you. All evidence used in a court of law has to be obtained ethically, under the permit of a warrant, or "reasonable suspicion." There are also other loop holes for diplomats and foreign dignitaries with their "diplomatic immunity" and non- United States citizens get the same rights and benefits as US citizens as long as they are on US soil.

Side: accused
1 point

Yeap you are so right. And also they have the right to file for exclusion evidence obtained in contravention of the laws after which they are given a hearing to determine the admissibility of the evidence. Also, for ever level of courts system in the U.S, there is a higher level at which the accused is guaranteed the right to appeal.

Side: accused