
Debate Info

Jesus Christ Yes! What the fuck are you on?
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Jesus Christ Yes! (7)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Vague Debate 12: Do You Have a Dark Place?

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Jesus Christ Yes!

Side Score: 10

What the fuck are you on?

Side Score: 0

A Basement.

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!
2 points

What? You ain't got no lights down there?

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!
2 points

It's called the outside right now.

It's very dark.

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!
0 points

But what about when it's daytime? Huh?

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!
1 point

You cannot chase the darkness out. It is always there.


Side: Jesus Christ Yes!

Probably, but most likely maybe not.

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!

The shed in our backyard has quite larger and has no lights on the inside.

Side: Jesus Christ Yes!
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