
Debate Info

Yes, of course! I'll take my chances!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, of course! (1)
 I'll take my chances! (4)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Wash Your New Clothes Before Wearing Them?

Do you wash your new clothes before wearing them?

Remember, others may have tried those on before you bought them...



Yes, of course!

Side Score: 1

I'll take my chances!

Side Score: 4
1 point

Yes I do wash the clothes before wearing them, the only thing I just put on after purchasing is socks.

Side: Yes, of course!

I like that new clothes smell. It's like that new car smell and you don't wash your car before driving it. Same thing with a new girlfriend. You just jump right in, throw caution into the wind and hope a gust of wind doesn't blow it back into your face ;)

Side: I'll take my chances!

I guess I am a man of chances.------------------------------------

Side: I'll take my chances!
1 point

Usually not, but it really depends on what article of clothing it is. ^_^

Side: I'll take my chances!

The clothes that I buy or are given to me at Christmas or my birthday all come from a nice department store.

Side: I'll take my chances!