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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 No (2)

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lolzors93(3225) pic

Do people have the right to their own opinions?

People's opinions (beliefs) coincide with people's actions.  If someone's opinion is that he/she likes blue, his/her actions would follow.  He/she would get blue shirts, pants, etc. or even try to not think about blue, which is an action.  So if a person's opinion is that genocide is okay, then they will endorse genocide or even play a part in genocide.  If someone believes that rape is okay, then they will most likely try to rape someone.  Does a person have the right to their own opinion, since opinions spur actions?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 2
2 points

Sure... as long as I agree with their opinion... if not then F them! ;)

Side: Yes

Yes, people do have a right to their own opinions regardless of whether or not it spurs action.

You are allowed to have whatever opinions you want. What you are not allowed to do is act out an opinion that violates the rights of another.

You can think murder is okay, or rape is okay, and you can tell people and they cannot arrest you simply for having that opinion (although I'd imagine you'd have a lot of harassment). But if you carry out those opinions as actions you will suffer the consequences of those actions.

Side: Yes

Yes, people do have a right to their own opinions regardless of whether or not it spurs action.

You are allowed to have whatever opinions you want. What you are not allowed to do is act out an opinion that violates the rights of another.

You can think murder is okay, or rape is okay, and you can tell people and they cannot arrest you simply for having that opinion (although I'd imagine you'd have a lot of harassment). But if you carry out those opinions as actions you will suffer the consequences of those actions.

EDIT: For whatever reason this double posted. Any way to delete this?

Side: Yes

Of course, this is implied through the freedom in speech in general.-----

Side: Yes

In my opinion, I should be allowed to drive down the free way like I drive bumper cars. And yet..., I don't. So my opinion did not spur on my action ;)

Side: No
GeneralLee(133) Disputed
3 points

You do realize that saying "no" is an illogical and self defeating argument, right?

Side: Yes

IT is assuming according to the type of government. It can differ.

Side: No