
Debate Info

People Property
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 People (2)
 Property (3)

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Thewayitis(4063) pic

Do people idolize rich people or their property?

People as in want to be them.   Property as in home, car, money, etc.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
2 points

I listened to an interview with the past editor of a teen magazine who described the plethora of media hype of becoming like someone else or wearing their clothes, their hairstyle, etc etc as being " An insult to young minds coercing them to become something they do not need to be when they have not acquired the maturity to know what they want to become themselves.

I the UK we used to say this was like "keeping up with the Johnses" Idolising others for who or what they are or their possessions is to be dissatisfied with who we are. This is a delusion.

To yourself be true so lets beat to the sound of our own drum.

Side: People
1 point

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Side: People
2 points

People want to be rich whilst remaining themselves. If you're ''putt putting'' along in your beaten up automobile with bits blowing off in the wind, and someone zooms past in a sleek new gleaming Jaguar you think, 'I would like one of those', not I'd like to be him/her. What such people don't realise is that, in the main, to achieve the trappings of success you have to pretty well change your entire psyche' and become a dirty rotten scoundrel, just like the bankers. Nice guys don't win.

Side: Property

Both. Some people want to be celebrities, while others want to be wealthy. It depends on whatever a person believes will bring them the most happiness.

Side: Property

When you idolize rich blokes you do so for their property and riches and luxuries and not for emulating the rich guy's character.We lead double-standard lives so in every way we dream of their property.

Side: Property