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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Do violent video games lead to aggression?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 10
2 points

Only when I can't win, or when i get stopped trying to walk around furniture.

Side: yes

I agree. I get so mad if I lose every single game! One time I was playing a FPS game, and I got so mad that the back muscles in my right leg started to cramp. I had to stop for a while until I started playin again, but without trying to kill myself!

Side: yes
1 point

Thats why I plan on buying a few older systems so that I can break those to ease my frustration.

Side: yes
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I prefer the older ones. I've a gamecube (and I plan on getting a PS3), but the really enjoyable games are all on the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System).

Side: No

Violent games don't lead to aggression. The difference is knowing what is fantasy, which is the game, and what is real, which is life. If the two crisscross, then trouble may linger, but most people can distinguish, and no trouble ensues.

Side: No

Studies have been done which prove that video games causes it's frequent players to become desensitized, just like how watching your first horror may be scary, but if you watch dozens and dozens the fear decreases. I've been reading the studies by both Brad Bushman of the University of Michigan, and Christopher Ferguson of TAMIU. Bushman says that violence games can lead to violence. Ferguson says the opposite. The purpose of this debate was to see if anybody else could shed light on other sources and to see if people believe the media, which often lies about the effects.

Side: No

There are a lot of conflicting studies swaying one way or the other.

Link to aggression

Not Linked to aggression

Side: No
1 point

I don't believe that Violent games lead to aggression BUT, I do believe that those "car racing" games lead to teens thinking they can drive that fast or they want to drive that fast.

Side: No

The study I read this morning said that car racing games can help teens 'get out' their desire for drag racing.

Side: No
1 point


Hmm I guess American boys are different.

Well the statics I got were probably from very very populated cities which means Blacks.

But hey! All places are different.

BTW, Jeger means everyone,anything, someone.

Side: No
1 point

I say videogames do not cause aggression because hundred, thousands of people in the world play violent video games for fun and they don't grow up to be ax murderers. I believe that violent games can increase aggression only in people that already have violent and harmful thoughts. But if someone is perfectly happy and normal, they won't turn violent just because they play a game like that with friends and just play it for fun and laughs.

Side: No