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We WOUDA if we COULDA We already LOST WW III
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 We WOUDA if we COULDA (8)
 We already LOST WW III (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Do we have the ability to turn the lights off in Moscow? If not, WHY not?


Side Score: 8

We already LOST WW III

Side Score: 3
1 point

Of course yes, but the problem is Russia also has the same technology.

Several years ago in a south American city, the report was that one nights suddenly all energy went down. No lights, no car engines working. The phenomenon became more interesting when lights from the sky started to illuminate different parts of the city. The whole event was pointed as a UFO scenario.

I watched the video of a policeman as witness of what happened that night. I was wondering how such cut off of power in a city was possible including the engines of cars.

It was some years later watching very late at night the show of the televangelist Van Empire, where he read the news that Russians had invented a kind of radiation that spread from the sky can paralyze an entire city. He said it with an alarmist tone in his voice.

There you go, you have the explanation of what happened years before in a city in South America. A test of that radiation was performed and it works.

Perhaps the consequences are very harmful to people when exposed to such radiation, but perhaps we will never know. Point is that such technology does exist.

Side: We WOUDA if we COULDA
1 point

You do, but you're too politically ideologically driven to look up that Biden made millions off of his buddies in Moscow. The Russians are making a killing off of gas prices, so why would they pull out, and why would Biden stop them? They're both making money hand over fist at your family's expense. billionaire-report/amp/

Side: We WOUDA if we COULDA
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

You do, but you're too politically ideologically driven to look up that Biden made millions

Hello J:

The evidence for that resided on an old dusty laptop left in a computer repair shop.. The Chinese or the Russians, or anybody for that matter could have put it on the laptop, and then called the FBI to tell them it was there..

Consequently, it's not viable and I don't believe it.. You do.. So, what else is new?


Side: We already LOST WW III
NightHawk2(81) Disputed
1 point

No left wing media outlet denies the validity of what is on the laptop. Neither does Hunter Biden. Do you actually look anything up?

Side: We WOUDA if we COULDA
1 point

Strong/Resolute;- Russia.



Focused on achieving goals;- Russia.

Disinterested in world opinion;-Russia.

Energy independent;-Russia.


Weak/Dithering;-U.S.A., & The West.

Soft;- The U.S.A., & The west.

Disorientated & bewildered;- The U.S.A., The West.

Naive;-America & the West, especially Britain, France & Germany.

Easily influenced by world & domestic opinion;- America & The West.


The upshot of this equates to a scenario whereby Russia, and soon China, can do and say what they wish by waving the spectre of WW3 at Poopy Pant's Administration and the shivering, wide eyed Western leaders.

MAKE NO MISTAKE, ONCE WEAK-KNEED POOPY PANTS TOOK OVER THE REINS AT THE WHITE HOUSE Putin made his move and Xi is preparing to annex Taiwan.

Side: We already LOST WW III