
Debate Info

Yes, very much so No, they need a stimulus pkg
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, very much so (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do women's nipples become erect just by thinking about sex?

This video tries to show that not only do their nipples become erect but much, much more ;)

Yes, very much so

Side Score: 5

No, they need a stimulus pkg

Side Score: 0

I don't care who you are, that's really funny right there ;)

Side: Yes, very much so
1 point

where u got it is really senseous...i loved it

really its shocking to see what many things erceted !!!

Side: Yes, very much so
1 point

If the thought of sex is arousing us, then yes. It's the same as the blood going to the penis when a man is aroused; our blood goes to other locations (since we don't have a penis). :-0

Side: Yes, very much so

Agreed but one other point is missing. When aroused we also have our sexual 'juices' flowing!

Side: Yes, very much so
1 point

Yeah I'm guessing, since the same thing happens to guys. I really can't know for sure though.

Side: Yes, very much so
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