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Debate Score:49
Total Votes:50
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Do you believe that we eat seven spiders when we are sleep?

I don't believe that myth.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 41
3 points

And probably many more things that we wouldn't want to think about.

Side: yes
2 points

Indeed... LOL .

Side: No
3 points

Yeahh.. N i fight Vampires when I'm awake.......................................................................................................................


Side: yes
6 points

per night ? NO , I am sure the average human ingests critters while they are asleep some time or another, I have eaten bugs riding a motor cycle before LOL not on purpose :)P

Side: No
5 points

Protein is good! ;)

Side: No
5 points

I would think that estimate would be per lifetime. I can't imagine that happening per night, even on an average. I've had my share on a bike, too. Bugs in the teeth are a sure sign of a happy biker.

Side: No
6 points

Gross but it would explain why I am not hungry in the mornings ; )

Side: No

Nice one Sunset.

Side: No
3 points

I don't know about seven, but I'm sure we eat some from time to time. A couple years ago there was a kid who had a spider lay eggs in his ear!

Some people enjoy them!

Eating Spiders!
Side: No
2 points

Nope, I really don't believe it. Firstly, it is a rough estimate; not everyone can swallow exactly seven spiders each night. Secondly, the estimate was taken from a sample of people, not every human in the world. Thirdly, prove I swallowed seven spiders last night.

Side: No
2 points

If you are to eat a spider in your sleep you'll have to close your epiglottis in order to swallow it, otherwise you'd choke, so, if this were true there'd be far more cases of people choking to death in their sleep from inhalation of spiders.

Side: No
2 points

No, I do not believe that myth, I'm sure you ingest critters sometime while you sleep, but 7 spiders a night is way to many. I don't think you could swallow a spider without knowing it? I couldn't.

Side: No
2 points

I believe SNOPES has already debunked this urban legend.

It was a "fact" circulated by the columnist Lisa Holst in 1993 in a list of made up facts to prove how gullible people are.

Side: No
2 points

No, not seven, but maybe every once in awhile. That is one reason I don't like to camp out though.

Side: No

If I did, I would know it. It is just a fable. I would dread having swallowed 7 spiders in my sleep.

Side: No