
Debate Info

Follow the rest Being different is cool!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Follow the rest (1)
 Being different is cool! (6)

Debate Creator

Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Do you follow the rest or be different?

Follow the rest

Side Score: 1

Being different is cool!

Side Score: 6
1 point

I can't have the betas being better at something than I, so I follow them until I surpass their skill.

Side: Follow the rest

I try being different but sometimes it is quite hard doing that

Side: Being different is cool!
1 point

I prefer to march to the beat of my own drum however there are times when I agree with the majority so it is rational to be flexible and have a dynamic view that there are some things I will join in on and some I will do in my own way

Side: Being different is cool!

I believe every individual is unique, so, I pattern myself in that fashion.

Side: Being different is cool!
1 point

I go by the old adage of;- love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe.

Side: Being different is cool!
CutMe(109) Clarified
1 point

Nice but how does this make you different?

(That's all I have to say but the site won't let me ask you until I type more...)

Side: Follow the rest
1 point

I try to be different and I always crush on the guys who are different. That's just me and my parents aren't really liking it...

Side: Being different is cool!

I like to disagree with everyone I meet. Life is more fun that way.

Side: Being different is cool!