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 Do you know your directions? So you tell me the difference between Left & Right (11)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

Do you know your directions? So you tell me the difference between Left & Right

I'm expecting for arugemts on the difference bewtueen left and right. Answers like "Left is left and right is right" is not what I asked.

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3 points

My left nut is on the left and my right nut is on the right.

If we are standing in front of each other and you are staring at my nuts, then my left nut is on the right and my right nut is on the left from your perspective.

If you are standing behind me and staring at my nuts, then my left nut is on the left and my right nut is on the right.

If we are in the 69 position, then my left nut is on the left and my right nut is on the right from your perspective.

The opposing side of left is right.

We would never be in these positions, but I am sure you get the point.

1 point

Hahaha! Damned funny old sport.

1 point

Looks like someone watched The Great Gatsby...

screw my debate on this question. - I like the way you made a joke out of this crap. I really wanted to make it a bit different. - And the two words, right and left, could have any letter combination, obviously. And I asked the question wrong. I really wanted to ask what makes left left and right right?

3 points

I really wanted to ask what makes left left and right right?

I guessed that's what you meant, but I couldn't answer it then, but I will try now. x)

Left is west of your body when you are facing north. You are faced north when you are looking in front of you.

Right is east of your body when you are facing north.

Your heart is on the left, your liver is on the right.

1 point

So? If my right hand is on the right and my left hand is on my left. it doesn't explain the difference in direction same as the heart and liver. I tried to ask one specific difference. And I confused myself and forgot it.

1 point

"My right hand is on the right and my left hand is on my left" doesn't really help. My explanation at least can get the point across to someone who doesn't know their right from their left. But the difference between left and right is completely arbitrary.

The right hand is dextral and the left hand is sinistral!

Wait... that wasn't what you wanted, was it?

monstrasitix(269) Clarified
1 point

Earlier before I made this debate I had an alternative idea about it. And you did say what I didn't ask for. But doesn't matter what I asked. I didn't know these terms. Thank you for the information, honestly. - Earlier I had a different opinion about it. Thanks.

1 point

Left is: <----

Right is: ---->

I would've used the east and west answer, but I see someone has already done it.