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RSS GuitarGuy

Reward Points:6096
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10 most recent arguments.
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
0 points

Hold on, let's come back to reality. Falsely submitted? Jesus Christ, man! She has an endless list of scandals, many of which are directly fueled by her actions. She potentially committed treason, but we don't know for sure because she deleted 33,000 emails after receiving a subpoena.

Don't defend her. She's so blatantly corrupt that she seems like a movie character. It's unreal. If you want to debate who is better for the future of our nation, fine, but arguing that she is not corrupt is idiotic and lacks common sense.

1 point

How about those rappers that Obama invited to the White House?

1 point

Liberals hate whatever their supreme leaders tell them to. Their ideology is like a fashion trend, and they just go with whatever is popular.

0 points

Hell if I know! It's all just a bunch of speculation fueled by leftist media. There's no proof of him being racist. I mean, the dude said he wanted Oprah to be his running mate. As for Mexicans, not all Mexicans are illegal. He's anti-illegal immigrants (that fucking bastard!) and Muslims, well, they're problematic, let's be honest.

0 points

So he went from working for Fox News to not working for Fox News, and instead working for Trump? CNN employees are working for Clinton while still employed with CNN.

Watch Fox News (I know you don't), and then watch CNN. Fox News is much less biased this election. Sure, they're anti-Hillary (I'm anti-criminal as well), but they are not necessarily pro-Trump.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

You haven't been paying attention to Wikileaks, have you? CNN's collusion with the Clinton campaign isn't even debatable. You're like a flat-earther.

1 point

Go look at reddit. /r/politics is flooded with anti-Trump propaganda. The mods are literally censoring people who are not Clinton supporters. If the social platform is popular enough, it gets "corrupted" and breeds a hive mind.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Horrible analogy. Trump himself is outside of the political establishment, but he'll be working alongside experienced politicians.

Here's a better analogy: You have a newcomer surrounded by experienced dentists, who thinks he can fix your teeth. Then you have a dentist with a lousy track record, who has faced one dental scandal after another. Do you choose the dentist with the clean sheet, or the one with a history of fuck ups?

What you got is somebody who aspires to be a great dentist, and then somebody who should have been banned from the dental field, yet seeks a promotion.

1 point

That's a silly argument. They're a conservative network. They wanted a conservative candidate. Trump was not the most conservative candidate, but now he is officially the Republican candidate. It's ridiculous for them not to support him at this point.

Fox News does not hide the fact that they are a right-wing network. They actually pride themselves on the fact that they are the only one.

2 points

During this race, no. Fox News was largely anti-Trump until recently. They do still question much of what Trump says, and they do not fake the presidential polls that they feature on their network. They also are the only network reporting on the wikileaks emails, which contain some very important information, such as the collusion between the MSM and Clinton's camp. Because of those emails, we have proof that CNN is corrupt, and if you don't like using the word 'corrupt', then you should be able to admit that they are playing dirty. They are using their position as a news network to brainwash viewers into supporting their agenda, and that of an individual who has no business influencing the media.

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Gender: Guy
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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