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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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91lilkolo(72) pic

Do you think evil is the same thing as darkness?

This is a religious question. Many Christians associate darkness with evil but is it really the case?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5

This has to do with horror movies when something evil appears in the dark.

Side: yes
1 point

In the metaphorical sense evil can be associated with darkness easily.

But to get to the answer we have to change the question slightly to is darkness evil? And darkness itself - the very absence of light, cannot be evil. How can nothing be evil? How can it be anything apart from nothing? It can't, and therefore darkness cannot be evil. This means that evil is not the same thing as darkness.

Side: no
1 point

Dark is a word we use for the absence of light.

Evil is a word we use for the absence of love.

Side: no
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

Evil is considered the opposite of good. Morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked, etc.

Side: yes
1 point

Just like cold and dark aren't a 'thing' evil isn't either.

Cold is nothing. Cold is just a word we use, to explain the feeling we get when there is not heat.

Dark isn't anything either. It is just a word we use to describe no light.

Evil is just like those - it isn't a thing. It is something we use to describe the absence of love.

Side: yes
1 point

Darkness has always been associated with evil, but that doesn't mean that darkness itself is evil. Just like how light is associated with good, but means that light itself is good. Darkness can be good just as light can be bad.

Side: no