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animedude639(1574) pic

Do you think people who belive in a religion are mentally insane

Many athiest and non-theists think that religious people are insane. While theists say no because it is just what they belive in just like how athiests dont belive in a god.


Side Score: 13


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Technically no one should be called insane because of their opinions

Side: No

I say no because it is just our beliefs, its no different than atheists not believing in god but does that make them insane?

Side: No

I will pwn your arguments :D

Side: No
1 point

Beliefs depending... if you believe that the earth is 6000 yrs old and gay people cause hurricanes, yes. But not all/most religious people, no.

Side: No

Thanks, I agree some beliefs are crazy and just plain insane lol XD

Side: No
1 point

In no way at all are people that have a religion or belief insane. That is ridiculous. You may be able to say they are wrong (if you are an atheist) , but mentally insane is way too far.

Side: No

Agreed, I mean its no different when I say people who don't believe in god are insane.

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I can just imagine what most of the non-theists are gonna say ;D

Side: No
1 point

Many athiest and non-theists think that religious people are insane.

This would be a truly terrible reason to consider "religion" a psychiatric condition. During the height of Soviet psychiatry, anyone who opposed the Communist Party was considered to be mentally ill and confined to a psychiatric gulag.

Anyone who thinks that religious people are literally insane doesn't understand the science of psychiatry.

Side: No

Not mentally insane. They are just so weak and pathetic that they have forced themselves (and others) to believe in a false bullshit hope of something good at death.

Side: No
animedude639(1574) Clarified
1 point

but that is just your opinion.

Side: No

Religion is a set of beliefs, nothing wrong with believing in something.

Side: No

As long as their Religion does not cause harm to others, their Religion is O.K.

Side: No
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