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Debate Score:14
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HumannamuH(209) pic

Should the government should stop wasting taxpayer's money on drunks/druggies/sm

Every year taxpayers pay approximately $51 billion each year. (Blincoe et al., 2002). 

  • Many people including drinkers, druggies and smokers have put themselves into hospital - and the worst thing is that they often re-offend .
  • The system does not teach them and enough has been done to educate them even SMOKING KILLS! Is printed on cigarette boxes. How long can this go on?
  • People (us) taxpayer's work hard to earn our money, why should some irresponsible person who knows what they are doing exhaust limited/ precious resources that could be spent on more deserving and urgent needs of others?
  • Can we not propose a new system - whatever it takes, tax on drink will not amend the costs but a new card system may e.g. car licence with points where the first time you are pardoned but if you keep re-offending the offenders should pay for it themsleves!!


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 9
2 points

Yep. If a person wants to overcome addiction he or she must want to overcome their addiction. Government should stop holding their hand. Let them kill themselves if they want to. Progressive society will move on and try to better themselves.

Sad but true.

Side: Yes
HumannamuH(209) Disputed
1 point

At the end of the day, everybody is restricted by time and resources. When I see countless people getting themselves drunk every night, reliant on help, eventually needing a new organ: liver or kidney, it really begs the question why? Do they deserve our time if they become an relentless force - undeterred by any consequences including harming others. They set a bad example, hopefully it won't become a norm to younger generations! We all have a responsibility to take care of ourselves, we do deserve help when we fall sick, but the difference is, it isn't self- inflicted.

Side: No
2 points

My post may have seemed to harsh earlier. But I hate to see that there are no morals whatsoever.

Side: Yes
2 points

I think the government would be better served by not wasting a trillion dollars of taxpayer money on the War on Drugs, and directing that money into helping the poor receive better treatment and counseling, as well as funding experimental research. This should be extended to alcohol and nicotine as well as illegal drugs.

To say that addicts don't want to get better is to demonstrate ignorance regarding the nature of addiction, and to say nothing should be done ignores the impact they have on society at large (I'd have no problem spending more on taxes if it cut fatalities by drunk drivers in half, for instance)

Side: No

I don't really have anything meaningful to contribute here; you've made more or less the exact points I had in mind.

Side: No
2 points

I know how you feel. You do that to me all the time. :)

Side: No
HumannamuH(209) Disputed
1 point

Yes, I have no objections against helping addicts, if only it worked! I have personal friends which struggle, but no matter how many times they go into rehab, they fall back again, those that recover, recover with family support and determination from within. Throwing a bone to a dog that doesn't want it is pointless.

Side: Yes
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
2 points

Throwing a bone to a dog that doesn't want it is pointless.

When you are dealing with a serious addict, whatever it is they are addicted to is the "bone". Not your offers to take away whatever it is they are programmed to "need", to make their lives boring again, to remove what they are deeply convinced is their medicine that helps them make sense of the world. And while offers of help might only be remembered in their strongest times, the addiction is there in their weakest. To celebrate only those who have the determination to fight it is to celebrate only those who need the least celebrating.

those that recover, recover with family support

Not everybody has that option.

Side: No