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 Do you want to keep your guns? Don't elect Democrats who will appoint anti gun Justices? (14)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Do you want to keep your guns? Don't elect Democrats who will appoint anti gun Justices?

You have truly got to be out of your mind if you truly care about your right's to own guns, but STILL vote for a Democrat. The next president is going to appoint more justices and we all know that Democrats appoint Liberal activist Justices like the two that Obama appointed. Those two Justices forced new law onto every state such as Obamacare, and forced every state to change their marriage laws. How sick and corrupt is that?

Can you imagine a couple more Justices just like them? How long do you think it will take for some activist lower court judge to hear cases conerning the banning of guns? If you think not, that is what millions thought when they said the courts would never force every state to change their marriage laws.

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I like guns, I just don't like the plebs having guns. Maybe we should make a license to own a gun and make it cost like $2000 a year. That should disarm the lowlifes while preserving my ability to shoot pheasant.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What don't you get? Criminals don't buy guns! All these idiot laws Democrats want to pass do but one thing. Hurt law abiding citizens.

It is one step at time until the people have been conditioned enough to watch as their guns are taken.

nobodyknows(745) Clarified
1 point

Criminals will have guns no matter what. I don't want emo teenagers and racist rednecks to have them.

1 point

I can scarcely vote for any politician confidently. Even if I agreed with 100% of some politician's stated platform, which never happens, they could have lied about their views, or changed them later. Even one bad policy could have a wide-ranging rippling effect. Not to mention any backdoor deals or corruption they might be involved in.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

That is why you vote for politicians trying for SMALLER LESS ATRUSIVE GOVERNMENT.

We all know politicians are corrupt and bought by big money. What kind of idiot votes for the politicians who want bigger government and more corruption?

Quit believing these liars. Democrats do not want to end loop holes and big money from lobbyists. They are the worst offenders. Be it the abortion lobbyists, planned parenthoods, the LGBT and feminist lobbyists, the environmentlists, the minorities, etc. etc.

It is all big money pushing their agendas. VOTE FOR SMALLER GOVERNMENT!