
Debate Info

Yes, GMO are impacting health No, GMO's do not impact health
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, GMO are impacting health (2)
 No, GMO's do not impact health (1)

Debate Creator

GoneFishing(126) pic

Does Genetically Modified Food(s) negatively impact health?

With the increase of cancers, obesity, auto immune disorders and a barrel more full of health related problems on the rise, could GMO's be a good culprit? (No personal attacks.)

Yes, GMO are impacting health

Side Score: 2

No, GMO's do not impact health

Side Score: 1
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First, it is important to define what you mean by genetically modified food. We have been intentionally genetically modifying our crops in many ways for a LONG time. The only difference is that now we have the means of doing so much more directly than before, which is not an inherently negative thing.

Side: No, GMO's do not impact health
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

GMO'S must be the reason pumpkins are adding to Global Warming ! ROTFFLMMFAO !

Side: Yes, GMO are impacting health
GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

Why not post something serious, outlaw? Why not have a serious conversation?

Side: Yes, GMO are impacting health
GoneFishing(126) Clarified
1 point

Any food(s) that have been genetically modified. Modified in any way.

Side: Yes, GMO are impacting health
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Well that would encompass all of the food that human beings currently consume.

Side: Yes, GMO are impacting health