
Debate Info

Yes, It's Caused By Pollution No, it's called weather
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:34
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 Yes, It's Caused By Pollution (10)
 No, it's called weather (8)

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moderatemark(481) pic

Does Global Waming Really Exist

Yes, It's Caused By Pollution

Side Score: 14

No, it's called weather

Side Score: 13
1 point

It does and it's not caused by pollution. Human activity has only accelerated it and even that by a rather small amount. How many ice ages have there been? It's been warming and cooling for a very long time.

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution
1 point

A downvote? What for?

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution
Bob--(34) Disputed
2 points

You are kinda boring..........................................................

Side: No, it's called weather

It does exist and it is man-made. The pollution by mankind is slowly ruining all of the air we breathe.

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution
0 points

Yes it does and there is all sorts of evidence to support its existence. For example the melting of the polar ice caps caused by the thinning of the ozone layer (which has been damaged due to pollution, so yes pollution does play its part here).

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution

No, its not called weather, its called weather patterns and Earth's natural change in temperature, Earth experienced a period like the one we are experiencing now in the Medieval era.

Side: No, it's called weather
1 point

So you propose it's normal weather cycles? There's a problem with this argument, the earth's long term weather patterns are incapable of causing the earth's rapid warming in a matter of just 2 to 3 hundred years.

The Medieval era experienced unusually warm temperatures in some regions, but the global temperature was much cooler than present day earth's global temperature.

Both points have been refuted.

Would you like sources?

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution
2 points

No it is called wheather because earth has been through these cycles.The first thing that will happen is that the polar caps will melt.Then to much water from the melting ice caps will submerge many coast line countrys which will cause millions to be homeless or die.Then antartica will be a warm continet and be growing with trees and grass.

Side: No, it's called weather
2 points

These natural cycles that you claim actually happen, they don't happen on the time scales that you propose. The cycle takes more like 1500 years to occur, in what is a bit of a see saw event. It dips in one direction, then 1500 years later it dips completely in the other direction of its temperature extreme.

Let's say you're right, it is one of Earth's natural cycles. Don't you think something is wrong when a 1500 year cycle only takes 200 years to happen with no end in sight?

Side: Yes, It's Caused By Pollution
Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

Okay???? Barley loged in so this is kinda okward......................

Side: No, it's called weather