
Debate Info

Worthless Still good
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Worthless (6)
 Still good (1)

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Cartman(18192) pic

Does Snowden Getting Nominated For The Nobel Peace Prize Make It Worthless?

Edward Snowden is being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for revealing that a previous Nobel Peace Prize winner has been spying on his people.  I know picking Obama was quite ridiculous, but doesn't this prove it?


Side Score: 6

Still good

Side Score: 1
1 point

It was already obvious that it was a silly award when they gave it to Obama, but now it is even clearer that the people who pick the Nobel Peace Prize are crazy.

Side: Worthless
1 point

The Scandinavians are freezing their balls off... they don't know what in the hell they're doing.

Side: Worthless
1 point

Oh, yeah, frozen balls would totally explain this situation. ;)

Side: Worthless
1 point

There's hell of a lot of snow these days. It's starting to get really annoying actually lol

Side: Worthless
1 point

Alfred Nobel's brother died, but the news mistook the brothers, accidently claiming that Alfred had died. This gave Nobel a unique opportunity to see how the world would react to his legacy. Apparently he was demonized for his invention of dynamite, etc, which alledgedly was the primary motivation for the establishment of the Nobel Prize.

Stalin was nominated twice for the Prize.

Side: Worthless
1 point

It's all about peace, brother...

Side: Still good