
Debate Info

Abortion is wrong Abortion is normal
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 Abortion is wrong (5)
 Abortion is normal (6)

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Madina(30) pic

Does abortion have any positive sides or can it be useful?

Abortion is wrong

Side Score: 5

Abortion is normal

Side Score: 8
Madina(30) Banned
0 points

In my opinion it is wrong, because you kill a baby, even if he was not born. We have to save lives, but not to kill them. Also, it is inmoral according to philosophy. In addition, it harms to the health of woman. Even in future this woman cannot have any babies.

Side: abortion is wrong
AlwaysRight(4) Disputed
1 point

If they're not born then they're not a baby. Do you have any proof that it "harms the health of [the] woman"?

Side: Abortion is normal
StephanMay(7) Disputed
0 points

you may not know it but a babies heart starts beatin 18 days after conception and you usually dont know until after then that your pregnant so therefore you are killing a child when you get an abortion unless the outcome is going to be you and the child dying then there is no point whatsoever in killing your child. i think that if you get pregnent and dont want to keep the child the right thing to do would be to give it to a baren couple whom long for children.

It's a blastula, then embryo, then foetus. It is never a child, for child refers to the immature birthed. A baby refers to the recently birthed.

If a mother wants to get pregnant and then abort it is her right to do so. It is none of your business to tell her what she may do with her body, especially when it is such an intimate and emotional decision.

Side: Abortion is normal
Madina(30) Disputed Banned
1 point

So are you saying it's okay to kill something that could potentionally be someone just like you? I can see that it is your point of view, but even though child cannot be killed! It is unnormal and immoral.

Side: Abortion is normal
AlwaysRight(4) Disputed
1 point

I'm not sure what side you're on here, you seem to contradict yourself a lot though...

Side: Abortion is normal
2 points

you may not know it but a babies heart starts beatin 18 days after conception and you usually dont know until after then that your pregnant so therefore you are killing a child when you get an abortion unless the outcome is going to be you and the child dying then there is no point whatsoever in killing your child. i think that if you get pregnent and dont want to keep the child the right thing to do would be to give it to a baren couple whom long for children.

It's a blastula, then embryo, then foetus. It is never a child, for child refers to the immature birthed. A baby refers to the recently birthed.

If a mother wants to get pregnant and then abort it is her right to do so. It is none of your business to tell her what she may do with her body, especially when it is such an intimate and emotional decision.

Side: Abortion is normal
2 points

It is the woman's body, therefore it should be her choice. You can't just take away her right to choose because you think it is wrong. And, if it was made illegal, what would she do with the baby afterwards? Put it in an orphanage? There are already so many children without a home and people to care for them. Why add more? Also, the child could be neglected or abused by the mother. That would really pain the child. Now, as to the idea the child could grow to become someone important to the world, can't it be the other way around as well? The child could also become an absolute lunatic in the future, who's to tell?

Side: Abortion is normal
1 point

all i can say abortion are depend on a situation............!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>

Side: Abortion is normal