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RSS StephanMay

Reward Points:7
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1 point

What is more important is that abortion is the choice of the woman, because she has the child. It is best if at the beginning of pregnancy abortion, because that is the child is not large. Just before the birth abortion, I find it disgusting, because the child has to a large extent to be born perfect. So I think it's good as long as it is the beginning of pregnancy, but just before giving birth.

2 points

A fetus does not have the right to life as long as it is nothing more than a product of its mother and father. When that fetus begins to respond to its environment in a way that environmentally expresses its genes to be different than that of what is found in the mother and the father, it is entitled to life. Most scientists believe this occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy, which isn't the best time to have an abortion anyways. But before the fetus begins to respond to its environment like I mentioned, it is not an individual. It has no characteristics different than what the mother and the father have or have at least passed onto it. Something that is not an individual is not entitled to those rights.

Regardless, abortion is typically always a tough decision for every woman. Many find it to not be the most moral of decisions, but it is usually found to be the right decision.

1 point

Even though this argument contained a segment that invoked religion, I do respect it for supplying more than an endless stream of Bible verses and claims about what God wants or doesn't want.

1. If I somehow find myself in a situation where my survival relies on using someone else's body as a host, then I absolutely support their right to terminate that dependency at the expense of my life, especially if I an incapable of thought or choice. This is why it does not matter to me if a fetus is considered human or not; the government should not force a citizen to sacrifice their right to bodily autonomy for the sake of another living thing, whether or not that living thing is a human. If they did, I don't see why we would not have mandatory organ harvesting from living donors.

2. Not all unwanted pregnancies result from unprotected sex. Also, the choice to have sex (unprotected or not) is not synonymous with the choice to carry a pregnancy to term, in the same way that choosing to smoke is not synonymous with choosing to let lung cancer run its course without seeking treatment.

3. I seriously doubt the validity of all those post-abortion statistics, as a few searches immediately turned up contradicting data. However, even if they are true, it is not the government's job to prevent people from making poor decisions. If it was, then, alcohol, cigarettes, extreme sports, body modification, and any number of 'regrettable' choices would be illegal. Sure, abortion could be safer, and pregnant women could be better educated and supported before and after they make the choice to continue their pregnancy or not. But there are more than sob stories for post-abortion women; there are plenty of women who were grateful for the choice and never looked back.

1 point

you may not know it but a babies heart starts beatin 18 days after conception and you usually dont know until after then that your pregnant so therefore you are killing a child when you get an abortion unless the outcome is going to be you and the child dying then there is no point whatsoever in killing your child. i think that if you get pregnent and dont want to keep the child the right thing to do would be to give it to a baren couple whom long for children.

It's a blastula, then embryo, then foetus. It is never a child, for child refers to the immature birthed. A baby refers to the recently birthed.

If a mother wants to get pregnant and then abort it is her right to do so. It is none of your business to tell her what she may do with her body, especially when it is such an intimate and emotional decision.

1 point

Aside from religious views, there are more ways to look at abortion. By any means, abortion should never be encouraged because it is, indeed the killing of a life and we do not have the right to determine the undertaking of any life, save for our own. However, there are exceptional cases where abortion would be acceptable.

First and foremost. Abortion should never occur simply because of teenage pregnancy - a reason for abortion that has become more prevalent in recent years. That is because teenagers have to understand and take up the responsibility of what they have done. If they had had sex, then it's of utmost importance that they take up any consequences that come along with it. Thus abortion should not be encouraged if it is an escape route for people to run away from problems.

But, however, there are also reasons why abortion should be acceptable and one reason would be if it puts the mother's health at risk. If the mother of the child faces numerous health issues such a cancer, high blood pressure, it is of grave importance that we weight the pros and cons of the pregnancy. For if the childbirth of a newborn forsakes the life of the mother, aren't we killing another life as well? Of course, it is up to the couple as to whether which option they wish to take, but their opinions should be duly respected because the mother's life is at risk.

0 points

you may not know it but a babies heart starts beatin 18 days after conception and you usually dont know until after then that your pregnant so therefore you are killing a child when you get an abortion unless the outcome is going to be you and the child dying then there is no point whatsoever in killing your child. i think that if you get pregnent and dont want to keep the child the right thing to do would be to give it to a baren couple whom long for children.

It's a blastula, then embryo, then foetus. It is never a child, for child refers to the immature birthed. A baby refers to the recently birthed.

If a mother wants to get pregnant and then abort it is her right to do so. It is none of your business to tell her what she may do with her body, especially when it is such an intimate and emotional decision.

2 points

you may not know it but a babies heart starts beatin 18 days after conception and you usually dont know until after then that your pregnant so therefore you are killing a child when you get an abortion unless the outcome is going to be you and the child dying then there is no point whatsoever in killing your child. i think that if you get pregnent and dont want to keep the child the right thing to do would be to give it to a baren couple whom long for children.

It's a blastula, then embryo, then foetus. It is never a child, for child refers to the immature birthed. A baby refers to the recently birthed.

If a mother wants to get pregnant and then abort it is her right to do so. It is none of your business to tell her what she may do with her body, especially when it is such an intimate and emotional decision.

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