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 Does anyone have a good recipe for meatballs? (13)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Does anyone have a good recipe for meatballs?

Because fo some unknown reason my boyfriend asked me to make spaghetii tonight for dinner, knowing that I absolutely FAIL in the kitchen. I mean, I messed up box stuffing three times in a row one time. And burned myself twice in the process. 

It's not me though, it's the kitchen that has a problem with me. 

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Take it one step at a time.

1. Go to Costco.

2. Buy frozen meatballs.

3. Read the instructions on the package for cooking them in the microwave.

4. Do as the instructions say.

5. Enjoy. Compliments of your uncle Joe. (God..., that makes me sound like a dirty old man. Come here little girl..., want some meat balls ;)

1 point

LMFAO, oh Uncle Joe, you're so helpful.

Only he bought the stuff for me to make them from scratch. And I have no way of going to go buy frozen ones.

I think he's being sadistic -_- He gets amusement from my failings in the kitchen.

Figure a way to get to Costco and throw the ingredients away ;)

1 point

I'm afraid I've had pretty much the same culinary experiences as you, but here's a site that I've used to some success in the past, with the appropriate search term already input.

1 point

Thanks :)

1 point

Sorry Saurbaby! I can barely make toast.

2 points

X) Lol, same here.

My boyfriend is the cook, but he never had time to actually cook, so I get stuck in the kitchen... Failing. And burning myself. Or the food. Or part of the kitchen. I'm really bad.

Go watch the one of the scenes, Clemenza gives all you need to know about making a big pot of meatballs and red sauce!