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Debate Score:3
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vadia(48) pic

Does public education prepare a person for the job market?

It is my belief that public education (grades K-12) does not fully prepare a person for the job market. Unless people want to work in minimum wage jobs, a high school diploma is not enough. Jobs that pay better require some form of certification which can be obtained through vocational schools or college. 50 years ago, a high school diploma actually meant something. One man with a high school diploma could support his family. Today both husband and wife may have graduated high school, but if they are stuck in minimum wage jobs, they are struggling, even with two incomes.  We need to change public education so that it is more practical and better prepares people to enter the workforce. Not everyone can go to college or join the military. We pay for public education, but we are not getting the value.


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less than 1% are guided through the public school least when i was enrolled. im sure its still a joke today. conditioning to be a good little tax paying slave is more likely the main goal. for most of the 12 years, its basically a daycare designed to fuck your mind up.

Side: No

No, but I don't feel that should be the specific role of primary or secondary education anyway. That is what Universities are for.

Primary and secondary should help us to sharpen our thinking capacities. This would have the benefit of increasing our usefulness in the working world, sure, but also well beyond that.

Side: No
1 point

No. The current public education system does not really prepare a person for the job market. Too much time is spent on irrelevant and unimportant things, and little to no time is spent on things pertaining to the job market.

Side: No