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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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joecavalry(40130) pic

Does substance really matter?

just look at the presidential candidates

A good actor needs a fairly empty head so that they can fill it with whatever the role requires. Then they need to empty their heads again so that they can re-fill it for the next role. This is evident when they hold news conferences in order to tell us what they think (as though we care). And the people love them; much like people love naive little babies. That's how they are able to get such high salaries. Wait...., maybe they're not so dumb after all!

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It really depends on which drug you take...that's when it's a matter of great substance.

Side: Substance always matters

If substance really mattered, then person that doesn't contribute anything intelligent to CD wouldn't be able to get lots of points! I mean...., this joe cavalry guy must be a freaking genius!

Side: fluff is king
2 points

You give me a headache.

Side: fluff is king
2 points

It depends on whether you consider boobs substance because that's all guys seem to care about. Men care about looks, not brains.

Side: fluff is king
1 point

Exactly. See my most recent debate thread. I'm such an a-hole. By the way Joe is a genius and is saw that right away wich is why I always vote him up.

As to substance. It matters unless you're Michelle Obama, because I'm too distracted by her hotness to hear what she's saying :) (joke)

Side: fluff is king
1 point

I guess it takes one to know one, doesn't it?

Side: fluff is king
1 point

Well, you must be doing something right.

Side: fluff is king

Substance is matter that matters. But conversely not all matter is substance. But most matter is a from of substance... I have a headache.

Side: fluff is king