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 Does the Commander in Chief support the Military (2)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Does the Commander in Chief support the Military

On Monday, the Obama administration announced that President Obama would veto a defense authorization bill if it did not close down Guantanamo Bay. White House press secretary Josh DisEarnest explained that the House funding bill would be vetoed “principally because…of the irresponsible way that it funds our national defense priorities, but also because of the efforts to prevent the closure [of] the prison at Guantanamo Bay.” He added that Democrats would sustain Obama’s veto, and defense authorization would die.

So does the Commander in Chief support the military ?

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That's like asking if Republicans support our country every time they try to shut down the government or prevent an increase in the debt ceiling.

Wait, you might be onto something there....

Shouldn't he?........................................................................