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True False
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 True (5)
 False (3)

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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 3
3 points

That is like the statement " careful who you piss off going up the Ladder , you might see them on the way back down"

Side: True
1 point

This is true however I must say that I have a nasty fish that has bitten me twice when feeding him and nothing bad happened to him... I still feed him, I'm just a little more careful.

Side: True
1 point

Governments always learn that the hard way.

Side: True

Countries and individuals must adhere to that saying because they will be sorry if they don't.

Side: True

If the hand that feeds you is cruel, show your teeth and draw some blood.

One should not be held back because you are smarter than your boss. If you don't like the way something is, change it.

There are all types of things one should never tolerate; mental abuse, physical abuse, etc.

Side: False
Freed0m(95) Disputed
2 points

Even if you are smarter than your boss "biting the had that feeds you" could easily result in your termination. Although there is a time and a place, it is rarely a good idea. (This is assuming you aren't in the military or something where it is going to cost people's lives)

Side: True
1 point

what if the hand has bad intentions? i think i could bite it.

Side: False
1 point

If the hand is a true one. With zero bad intentions. Don't even think about it. But today almost every thing is done for a reason. So it is better you stay alert and wise.

Side: False