
Debate Info

Better determine what matters Nothing I do will matter
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Better determine what matters (3)
 Nothing I do will matter (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Eventually..., I'm going to die...,


They say that whatever man builds, turns to dust.

But who knows how long your legacy will survive.

The pyramids have lasted quite a long time.

Better determine what matters

Side Score: 3

Nothing I do will matter

Side Score: 2

I was trying to get some sleep when I got this epiphany and I had to post it.

There has to be more to life than just trolling..., but until I figure it out..., I might as well keep at it..., just in case I'm wrong ;)

Side: Better determine what matters
1 point

You, Joe, may die, but that laughing dog of yours will live on!

Side: Better determine what matters

everything in your life effects something, they way you act down to the way you dress, so i do think it matters a little more than you know.

Side: Better determine what matters

The pyramids were the result of oppressive slave labor. Hardly a pleasing monument to their contractor's stay on Earth. And, eventually, even the pyramids will turn to dust, or else be consumed by the sun, fall into a black hole, or be obliterated by a planetary collision.

I'm one person of billions on one planet of billions on one solar system of billions in one galaxy or billions in one universe out of of a lot of universes. I might relish the challenge of making an impact on all that that actually matters, but it's an impossible challenge nonetheless.

Side: Nothing I do will matter

Quitter ;)

Side: Nothing I do will matter