
Debate Info

True Not true and why
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 True (2)
 Not true and why (1)

Debate Creator

NigerInnis(120) pic

Excon defends Democrat positions from decades ago ignores their current positions


Side Score: 2

Not true and why

Side Score: 1
1 point

Excon defends Democrat positions from decades ago ignores their current positions

Hello N:

The more you snivel about me, the more you're losing. Besides, it's STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.


Side: True
Developing(494) Disputed
1 point

Excon, you are TROLL. Trust me, you are "the loser" around here. Think about it, you have 16,621 posts on this website (almost exclusively comprised of worthless drivel and childish antics). Excon you clearly have no life, you are a LOSER.

Side: Not true and why
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

you have 16,621 posts on this website (almost exclusively comprised of worthless drivel and childish antics). Excon you clearly have no life, you are a LOSER.

Hello hater:

Yeah, all that.... But, you can't quit me, can you?

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: True
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