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 Food for thought Christians: (2)

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Gokumohan(334) pic

Food for thought Christians:

Note: correlation does not auto equal causasition but this is still interesting


The bible belt is a name for the most prominantly christian parts of america, slavery began most strongly there.

The divorce rate, the murder rate and the obesity rate are all higher in the Bible Belt than in the rest of the United States. 

It also has 2nd 3rd and 4th most hate groups within a state (CA is first)


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That is interesting. Especially since California is a "blue" (liberal) state. Maybe you should change the title to, "Food for thought Liberals:" ;)

1 point

If all the facts presented are true, this is a case of unexpected outcome. Namely, if a religion is prevalent in an area, then its principles should be equally prevalent in that area. However, this connection assumes that people who claim themselves as Christians in that area follow Christian principles. That often is not true. Many cases in history attest to that.

The presented facts are also an example of its falsity. Therefore, the presented facts point to not a logical contradiction but a feature of people. Specifically, the feature that they point to is that people often don't do what they say outwardly or inwardly about themselves.