
Debate Info

Yes, it has No, it hasn't
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:14
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 Yes, it has (6)
 No, it hasn't (2)

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hhioh(450) pic

Has the advancement of medicine been a good thing?

Medicine has been continually improving, with people living better, 'healthier' lives, but is this really a good thing? Is it good to live longer? Are we right in allowing people with illnesses to live?

Yes, it has

Side Score: 7

No, it hasn't

Side Score: 3
2 points

On the one hand, it could be argued to be a good thing as it has allowed people to live longer lives. Assuming that it is better to be alive than dead, this is surely a positive. It has also opened up the possibility of a greater life for the disabled. For example, people with previously 'untreatable' illnesses are now cured and can lead presumably better lives.

Side: Yes, It Has

But curing a disease doesn't make an old person 'better', it just removes the urgent issue of them dying (in this context). At what point will society stop functioning, if people can live hugely longer lives?

I agree, it's good, but it does have negative aspects for sure.

Side: Yes, It Has

Duh... Of course, if it could help more people, why wouldn't to be a good thing..

Side: Yes, it has

Unless, you don't want there to be more cures for diseases then yes, you are correct

Side: Yes, it has

But it needs to advance much further so cures can be provided for diabetes, cancer, AIDS, heart disease, etc.

Side: Yes, it has
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Again I was actually considering posting here and the realised its just you ressurrecting old posts for no fucking reason!! You'd think I'd learn wouldnt you but it gets me every fucking time!!

Side: No, it hasn't

This side looked a bit lonely, so I guess I'll make a point.

Survival of the fittest anyone?

Side: No, it hasn't
1 point

Oh Now I know why your nickname is ChuckHades.........

Side: Yes, it has