
Debate Info

Cool Where's the gangsta stuff
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Cool (1)
 Where's the gangsta stuff (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Here's my favorite rap song. What do you think? Which is your favorite?


Side Score: 1

Where's the gangsta stuff

Side Score: 4

I especially like these lyrics.

I debate any poser who don’t shoot straight,

I frustrate. I increase the pulse rate

No such thing as utopia,

Reap the benefits hard work, self reliant

My conservative view is drill baby drill

We need more women with intellectual integrity

I’m talkin Megyn Kelly not Nancy Pelosi

The more money we spend, the more mine is worth Jack

Side: cool
2 points


that's the lamest thing I ever heard. at first I thought it was a parody, but they actually think they're cool.

Side: lmao
2 points

If they replaced con with lib you'd call them pussies.


Side: Where's the gangsta stuff