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 Hollywood & Liberal elites have done more harm to our chidren then any other group. (1)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Hollywood & Liberal elites have done more harm to our chidren then any other group.

The Left's so called compassion for people is the biggest lie every perpetrated on a nation.

The ideology of the Left boils down to one thing. They believe that people, who choose to do irresponsible things such as taking illegal drugs, drinking too much, living promiscuous lives, etc. etc., are simply victims of bad childhoods, poverty, bad neighborhoods, lack of schooling, etc. etc. etc., so it's not their fault.

So what is their answer to stop the cycle of broken homes and abandoned children?

They have no answer because we all know the real problem lies with our immoral anything goes no fault culture. The only thing Liberals do is enable more of the same irresponsible behavior by rewarding them with redistributed money from our hard working Americans. They reward irresponsibility and punish responsibility.

Liberals refuse to speak of moral values because this would bring our nation's Christian heritage back into the fore front. They want to censor any mention of God from our public square so they absolutely refuse to address the core problems of immorality in this nation.

So their only answer is creating more social programs filled with abandoned children and unwed mothers. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping our chidren, our disabled, our needy, etc. but this is not addressing the cause of such problems.

So tell me, how do ever growing social give away programs break the cycle of broken families?
Tell me how give away programs teach irresponsible women to stop having sex with dead beat men who walk away from their children? It doesn't, it enables more of the same!

Tell me how giving tax payer's money to drug addicts gets them off drugs? It doesn't, it enables more of the same.

Liberals have no answers because they are bigots against any mention of God and moral values.

This is why I say, Liberalism has done more harm to our children then anything else in this world. Our children are hurting from an immoral self love sexual revolution, and Liberals refuse to admit it, or shame it.

All they do is excuse irresponsibility with their bleeding heart no fault victim rhetoric, which leads to more broken families and abandoned children.

If Liberals truly cared for people, they would be doing their very best to break the cycle of broken homes and poverty.

Remember the Peace Core commercials where they asked the simple question.... which is better, handing out free corn to third world nations to feed the poor, or teaching the people how to grow their own corn.

Those words are so profound and so true. It would be wonderful if these phoney Liberals could ever grasp the truth to those simple words. They won't because the answer to poverty in this nation is not handing our never ending amounts of tax payer's money(or corn), it lies in teaching people how to make their own money(or corn) and break the cycle of immorality by teaching the benefits of personal moral accountability for one's choices in life.

We see no commercials coming out of hollywood speakng to that truth.
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Liberals have no answers because they are bigots against any mention of God and moral values.

Mentioning God and morals had 2000 years to work and it failed miserably. It is absolutely ridiculous to keep pushing a failed idea after 2000 years of failure. Pushing ideas that don't work is supposed to be a liberal thing.