
Debate Info

Talk is cheap Bloody Do gooders
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Talk is cheap (1)

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PatCondell(37) pic

Hollywood & Media Liberals wag finger at 1% but are the 1%

Hollywood Liberals wag their bloody pointer fingers at the 1%, but never give up their cushy spots in the 1%. They point at CEOs but are richer than CEOs. They waggle their pointers at walls, but build walls around their palaces. They bellow on about multiculturism but live in wealthy, Caucasion areas of the cities. These halfwits are likened to listening to squealing piglets reliant on their mother hog's rows of pig nipples who oink on and on while never coming off of said mommy hog for even a breath of air. Bloody hell, these rich, liberal snotbag wanks.

Talk is cheap

Side Score: 2

Bloody Do gooders

Side Score: 0
2 points

What can I say, they are hypocrites virtue signaling and spewing empty words because they are just witless spoiled trash who are rewarded by society for being gay and stupid enough to appeal to the masses who are even more gay and stupid than the celebrities.

Side: Talk is cheap
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