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 Homework (10)

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4 points

Your thoughts on homewrok...

You should probably start doing yours.

Lol at BenWalters' comment.

But seriously, I see nothing wrong with a kid doing an hour or so of homework. It's incredibly beneficial to consolidating a child's knowledge of a subject. If you're unable to complete homework efficiently, then you discuss the problem you have with your teacher and you work to solve it. Surely there is nothing wrong with that?

Students, including myself on occasion, can bitch and moan all they want about homework. But removing it would be detrimental to our education.

Side: It's very beneficial
1 point

I agree with the reinforcement. Rereading material is a must in high school AND college.

And to the student that claims they have social lives, they don't want to spend forty hours a week IN school then twenty more writing papers, doing research, answering questions...

For the however many teachers you have suckers, the average teacher has 100+ students, and however long it took you to answer a work sheet, it took them that long to grade yours times 100. Be considerate to teachers.

Side: It's very beneficial
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

I see nothing wrong with a kid doing an hour or so of homework

And four hours? or more?

But removing it would be detrimental to our education.

This doesn't seem to be the case. Look at the Finland model. Very little class time. Very little homework. Yet they lead the world in education.

Side: It's very beneficial
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

And four hours? or more?

In one night, then yes, that is excessive. But I doubt many students get 4 hours of homework a night. I normally get about 5 hours a week. To me, this is a pretty good system which gives me enough time to consolidate the subject, but not so much I can't have a social life. If you have 4 hours a night though, damn that sucks!

This doesn't seem to be the case. Look at the Finland model. Very little class time. Very little homework. Yet they lead the world in education.

Ah yes, the Finns. I have to say, I knew little about their educational system other than it was very good. So I did a little bit of research to see whether what you were saying was correct. And you are correct in what you say, I noticed limited class time and limited homework.

But the reason this is so successful is because Finland's educational model is almost alien to the UK's model (I don't know about the US, sorry). In Finland, there is a massive focus on interactive learning, through association with objects, whereas in the UK, it is all very much textbook based. Moreover, throughout their entire education, the Finns only have to sit one mandated exam. Compare this to the UK. I am in Year 9 and have sat 3 exams in the first 3 months already. Again, I'm not positive on the US, but I think both of our countries share the same fixation with graphs and charts. In the UK, we are constantly compared to other schools and other countries. But Finland has no such comparison; they focus on each individual achieving the best they can for themselves.

My main point is as follows: the Finns don't have much homework because they don't need it to yield successful results. However, the UK (and possibly the US) does need homework because our educational system is much more rigid and examined. Generally speaking, the homework done tends to improve a child's chances of succeeding in an exam. Thus, homework is beneficial.

Side: It's very beneficial

Is homework beneficial? I say so but that answer really depends on the students themselves. You can not do your homework and still get an A in class if you understand the lecture.

But if you don't understand the lecture, homework is neccessary unless somehow miracously you understood what you didn't understand the next day.

It depends on the students.

I say it is very beneficial to me. Ha Ha.

Side: It's very beneficial

Homework is definitely good in moderation, like 1-2 hours. But i know a private schooler who consistently has to stay up from one to two in the morning doing it, and not because shes lazy or stupid either.

Side: It's very beneficial
1 point

Can homework be beneficial? Yes.

Is it beneficial the way it is currently administered? No.

Homework should generally not be given in any subjects besides foreign language and math classes.

The majority of material taught is pure memorization. Science. History. Etc. Memorization should be left to the students. Teachers should assign deadlines by which x amount of material must be learned. When they try to dictate how each student should learn the material, it ends in nothing but wasted time.

Math and languages are the exception because they require mastery of concepts. Doing problems over and over, conjugating verbs over and over, these are beneficial.

Side: Deadlines