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RSS DamionDB

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with the reinforcement. Rereading material is a must in high school AND college.

And to the student that claims they have social lives, they don't want to spend forty hours a week IN school then twenty more writing papers, doing research, answering questions...

For the however many teachers you have suckers, the average teacher has 100+ students, and however long it took you to answer a work sheet, it took them that long to grade yours times 100. Be considerate to teachers.

1 point

I believe that, in all likelihood and scientifically speaking, the odds of the rapture just aren't that great. Even in billions of years, however far our technology will expand and regress, the sun is guaranteed to expand, becoming a giant and engulfing the Earth. I believe that, as Einstein has stated, the fourth (Or third, feel free to correct me) world war will be fought with slingshots and rocks-meaning humanity will continue a cycle of creating society and building it up, then destroying it and starting over.

1 point

Here's an interesting twist...what if the two people were Siamese twins, women, and they were having a baby, and the only way to save them would be to have an abortion?

Throwing that out there...Personally, I would be unable to decide. There are too many variables. How old each individual is, do I know them, sex, race, etc.; so I would not be able to say.

1 point

Hmm, interesting. While I do love a good read, you can never, ever catch the full experience of becoming part of a culture with just pages. You don't get to taste the local cuisine, you don't get to participate in local native dances, and you don't get to hear the history of a people being told by a shaman. Traveling, while it is more expensive, broadens your horizons to different types of people and cultures. Read about the Pyramids, watch the History Channel and every documentary there is on them. But if you just read the book, you'll never be able to say 'Hey, yeah, I went to Egypt and saw Giza, the Pyramids, and the Sphinx!"

1 point

1. I've yet to see anyone ask a pro-lifer this question; what if a fifteen year old girl is raped, impregnated, and still in school and her parents are unable to support the baby, while the rapist is never caught?

2. Many abortions take place because a family cannot support the baby, or the baby will have some sort of mental disorder to prevent him/her from living life to the fullest. Tell me, would the baby be better off in a world where society discriminates against the mentally challenged, or better in Heaven where things will be perfect and the baby can be taken care of?

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About Me

"What's up all? Love to argue. Maybe enjoy a good troll every now and then, but at least I'm educated"

Biographical Information
Name: Damion Darkheart
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Postal Code: 35116
Religion: Protestant
Education: In College

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